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We've saved you a seat.

Attention all party aficionados, style seekers, and lovers of good times! We invite you to join the soiree of the season, Seeka Rewards – a rewards program that brings the magic to your events, moments and rituals no matter how big, intimate, or personal. And guess what? Everyone is invited to this exclusive extravaganza!

Picture yourself surrounded by the laughter and clinking glasses of your closest friends, all basking in the ambience you've created. With our VIP tiers, ranging from the “Guest” to the legendary "Head of the Table” we guarantee this soiree will leave you craving more.

With Seeka Rewards, you'll gain access to the inside scoop on our latest curated collections. Each tier unlocks cheeky perks, from birthday treats, to referral discounts for you and your plus one and so much MORE!

Welcome to Seeka Rewards – where the rewards are as inclusive as the joy we create together. Let the party commence!